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Indi Spine-Brain Neuro Care - Cervical Spondylosis Treatment at Madinaguda

Expert in Cervical Spondylosis Treatment in Madinaguda

Cervical Spondylosis Management

Cervical spondylosis also known as cervical osteoarthritis, is a degenerative condition that affects the joints and discs in the neck. It is characterized by the wear and tear of the cervical spine, leading to pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility.

Cervical spondylosis is commonly caused by ageing, but other factors such as genetics, lifestyle choices, and previous neck injuries can contribute to its development.

At Indi Spine-Brain Neuro Care, the best spine and neuro clinic in Madinaguda, we offer a comprehensive range of advanced treatment options to effectively manage cervical spondylosis and alleviate your symptoms.

Dr. Arun Reddy M, MBBS, DNB (NeuroSurgery), and his experienced team will conduct a thorough evaluation and diagnosis to determine the severity, type, and underlying causes of your condition. Based on their findings, they will develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.

Our treatment options for cervical spondylosis may include:

  • Non-surgical approaches: Non-surgical treatments are usually the first line of defense against cervical spondylosis. These may include physical therapy, pain management techniques, and targeted exercises to improve neck strength and flexibility. Additionally, lifestyle modifications, such as maintaining good posture and avoiding activities that exacerbate symptoms, can be beneficial.
  • Medications: Depending on the severity of your symptoms, your doctor may prescribe medications to alleviate pain and reduce inflammation. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), muscle relaxants, and analgesics may be recommended to manage pain and improve your quality of life.
  • Minimally invasive procedures: If conservative treatments do not provide sufficient relief, minimally invasive procedures may be considered. Dr. Arun Reddy specializes in advanced techniques such as cervical epidural steroid injections and nerve root blocks. These procedures aim to reduce pain and inflammation by delivering medication directly to the affected area, providing targeted relief.
  • Surgical interventions: In cases where conservative treatments and minimally invasive procedures do not provide adequate results, surgical options may be considered. Dr. Arun Reddy's expertise includes complex spinal surgeries to address cervical spondylosis. Surgical interventions may involve removing herniated discs, fusing vertebrae together, or decompressing nerves to alleviate pain and restore spinal stability.

Dr. Arun Reddy M, the best neuro and spine surgeon in Madinaguda, is highly respected with over 10 years of experience. With a track record of performing 2500+ successful surgeries, he is a trusted expert in his field.

Dr. Reddy is known for his meticulous approach, advanced surgical techniques, and dedication to providing exceptional care to his patients.

At Indi Spine-Brain Neuro Care, we prioritize evidence-based practices and stay up to date with the latest advancements in spinal surgery.

Our goal is to help you regain your spinal health and improve your quality of life through personalized treatment plans and compassionate care.

If you are suffering from the debilitating symptoms of cervical spondylosis, we encourage you to take the first step toward relief.

Schedule an appointment with Dr. Arun Reddy at Indi Spine-Brain Neuro Care, and let our expert team provide you with the best cervical spondylosis treatment in Madinaguda.

Don't let cervical spondylosis limit your quality of life any longer. Contact us today by phone or through our online portal to schedule your consultation.

Our Services

Low Back Pain
Low Back Pain
Lumbar Spondylosis
Lumbar Spondylosis
Spondylolisthesis Management
Spondylolisthesis Management
Disc Prolapse Management
Disc Prolapse Management
Neck Pain
Neck Pain
Cervical Spondylosis Management
Cervical Spondylosis Management
Minimally Invasive Spine Surgeries
Minimally Invasive Spine Surgeries
Tingling and Numbness Management
Tingling and Numbness Management
Endoscopic Spine Surgery
Endoscopic Spine Surgery
Central and Peripheral Vertigo Management
Central and Peripheral Vertigo Management
Neuro Trauma
Neuro Trauma
Cerebrovascular surgery-Stroke Management
Cerebrovascular surgery & Stroke Management
Neuro Oncology
Neuro Oncology
Pediatric Neurosurgery
Pediatric NeuroSurgery
Neuro Infection Management
Neuro Infection Management
Epilepsy and Functional Neurosurgery
Epilepsy and Functional NeuroSurgery
Peripheral Nerve Management
Peripheral Nerve Management