Best NeuroSurgery Clinic in Madinaguda

Indi Spine-Brain Neuro Care - Neck Pain Treatment at Madinaguda

Expert in Neck Pain Treatment in Madinaguda

Neck Pain Treatment

Neck pain is a common condition that can range from mild discomfort to severe pain in the neck and surrounding areas. It can be caused by various factors, including poor posture, muscle strain, injuries, degenerative conditions, and underlying health issues. Neck pain can significantly impact daily activities and diminish the quality of life.

Neck pain is caused due to various reasons including:

Muscle strain: Overuse, poor posture, or sudden movements can strain the muscles in the neck, leading to pain and stiffness

Poor posture: Maintaining incorrect posture for extended periods, such as slouching or hunching over a desk, can strain the neck muscles and cause pain.

Cervical disc herniation: The discs in the cervical spine may herniate or bulge, pressing on the nerves and causing neck pain, along with radiating pain, numbness, or weakness in the arms.

Whiplash: Sudden jerking motions, often experienced during car accidents or sports injuries, can cause whiplash, resulting in neck pain, stiffness, and reduced range of motion.

Osteoarthritis: Wear and tear of the joints in the neck can lead to osteoarthritis, causing pain, stiffness, and reduced flexibility.

Spinal stenosis: Narrowing of the spinal canal in the neck region can compress the nerves and spinal cord, leading to neck pain and neurological symptoms.

Common symptoms of neck pain:

  • Pain and stiffness in the neck, upper back, or shoulders
  • Limited range of motion and difficulty turning the head
  • Headaches, especially originating from the base of the skull
  • Radiating pain into the arms or fingers
  • Muscle spasms in the neck
  • Numbness or tingling in the arms or hands

At Indi Spine-Brain Neuro Care, the best neuro and spine clinic in Madinaguda, we specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of neck pain. Dr. Arun Reddy M, MBBS, DNB (NeuroSurgery), and his expert team will conduct a comprehensive evaluation to identify the underlying causes of your neck pain.

Based on the diagnosis,our doctor will offer personalized treatment options tailored to your specific needs:

Non-surgical treatments: These may include physical therapy, stretching exercises, heat or cold therapy, pain medications, and lifestyle modifications to improve posture and ergonomics.

Minimally invasive procedures: Our experienced team employs advanced techniques such as cervical epidural injections, nerve root blocks, and radiofrequency ablation to provide targeted pain relief and promote healing.

Surgical interventions: In cases where conservative treatments fail to alleviate symptoms or when a structural issue requires surgical correction, Dr. Arun Reddy, the best neurosurgeon in Madinaguda is skilled in performing various neck surgeries, including cervical discectomy, laminectomy, and cervical fusion, using minimally invasive approaches whenever possible.

Dr. Arun Reddy M is a highly respected and experienced neuro and spine surgeon with a track record of successfully treating numerous patients. He combines his expertise with a compassionate approach, ensuring the highest level of care and patient satisfaction.

If you are suffering from neck pain that hinders your daily activities, we encourage you to seek professional help.

Schedule an appointment with Dr. Arun Reddy at Indi Spine-Brain Neuro Care, and let our dedicated team provide you with the best neck pain treatment in Madinaguda.

Regain your neck health and enhance your overall well-being. Contact us today via phone or online to take the first step toward a pain-free life.

Our Services

Low Back Pain
Low Back Pain
Lumbar Spondylosis
Lumbar Spondylosis
Spondylolisthesis Management
Spondylolisthesis Management
Disc Prolapse Management
Disc Prolapse Management
Neck Pain
Neck Pain
Cervical Spondylosis Management
Cervical Spondylosis Management
Minimally Invasive Spine Surgeries
Minimally Invasive Spine Surgeries
Tingling and Numbness Management
Tingling and Numbness Management
Endoscopic Spine Surgery
Endoscopic Spine Surgery
Central and Peripheral Vertigo Management
Central and Peripheral Vertigo Management
Neuro Trauma
Neuro Trauma
Cerebrovascular surgery-Stroke Management
Cerebrovascular surgery & Stroke Management
Neuro Oncology
Neuro Oncology
Pediatric Neurosurgery
Pediatric NeuroSurgery
Neuro Infection Management
Neuro Infection Management
Epilepsy and Functional Neurosurgery
Epilepsy and Functional NeuroSurgery
Peripheral Nerve Management
Peripheral Nerve Management